Making Technology Accessible to Changemakers
Our mission: All Changemakers (especially grassroots organisations, cooperatives, movements) should have access to trained professionals to meaningfully leverage technology.
Discoverability Workshop Helps Ignite India Build New Storytelling Platform
Student-Run Legal Aid Org. Learns Tech to Build Discoverability for Their Work
TYCIA's website opening doors to Discoverability
Zenith's website makes their access to justice work visible, discoverable
Partnering with ASMITA to amplify the voices of rural women
aikyam worked with ASMITA, a youth-led group in Jharkhand, to create a website showcasing their transformative work with rural women and adolescents
Anjani | Creating better versions of her world
At 21 years of age, Anjani already has clear ideas for bringing about gender justice in rural India. Here, we sit down for a chat with the Space Manager at aikyam space, discussing her background, vision, and everything in between.
Discoverability Workshop Helps Ignite India Build New Storytelling Platform
The hands-on experience of learning to use an open-source tool like Ghost was the highlight of the workshop. As was being able to launch an impact storytelling subdomain as part of our transition to open-source solutions
Sumi | Bringing Change Through Empathetic Storytelling
A writer and former journalist, Sumi questions everything around her. A pleasure to be around, she has a repertoire of tales and notable advice up her sleeve.
Student-Run Legal Aid Org. Learns Tech to Build Discoverability for Their Work
A student-run paralegal organisation focusing on marginalised communities, Ninety Degrees is expanding its reach by building its website
TYCIA's website opening doors to Discoverability
For TYCIA Foundation, discoverability was both a tech challenge as well as a financial one. Here's how TYCIA and aikyam came together and solved it by using Github Pages
Arvind | Working Towards Community-Based Change
A young man with clear political stances and a passion to empower the common man, Arvind is majoring in Political Science and is an aikyam intern.
Understanding Local Governance with Data from Panchayat Members
Anode & aikyam fellows used Metabase to visualise field data, gathered from research across panchayats. Can this become an effective tool for local governance improvments?
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