A Journey of Inspiration and Learning: She Loves Tech Conference

Exploring how technology is changing lives and inspiring positive change.

 · 2 min read

I am Megha from Maharashtra, and I am a fellow with Aikyam Fellows. My journey in the tech world has been quite an adventure, and I recently had the opportunity to attend the She Loves Tech conference in Singapore, thanks to Ananya di who is a community manager at She Loves Tech. This blog is to share my experience and the insights I gained from this event.

One of the most memorable sessions for me was "Women Leading Family Office: A Force for Good in Asia." It opened my eyes to new perspectives, even though some ideas were a bit difficult to understand at first, it left me feeling motivated and inspired. The panelists shared how women are positively impacting their communities through family offices, which was truly remarkable.

During the conference, I met many talented people. I had the chance to introduce myself and explain my work to help non-profit organisations improve their visibility and data management. 

At break time, I met this incredible woman who introduced me to someone working on website accessibility for persons with vision challenge. I really liked her idea, and was inspired by how she's working hard to make the digital world better for everyone. It made me realise how technology can make it easier for people facing challenges to use the internet and have better lives.

The conference also showcased how technology is transforming healthcare. We saw new and advanced ideas, as well as apps and wearable devices. It's clear that technology is revolutionising how we think about health and staying well. And this is not just happening in big cities; even remote places are getting better healthcare through these advances.

The world of technology is always changing, and with the right inspiration and hard work, we can use it for good. My journey to the "She Loves Tech" conference

  1. Made me more open to new ideas,
  2. Introduced me to inspiring people who use technology to make the world better, and
  3. Made me want to work on projects that help visually impaired people use the web more easily.

These incredible stories & people continue to remind me that there are endless possibilities in each of us. We can achieve many things, and there are lots of opportunities. They inspire me to overcome obstacles, do more, and become a better person, entrepreneur and a Leader.

Definitely, one of the best opportunities I have ever had in my life. It was a valuable and learning experience, from the moment I left for Singapore. It was not just about traveling; I got to learn, connect with brilliant minds, and witnessed how technology is making a difference in people's lives.

I am very grateful to She Loves Tech for making all of this happen. I also want to thank all the women I have met and connected with. You are all outstanding and have had a big impact on my career journey.

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